
致: 新加坡中华总商会永久个人会员、永久商号会员、常年个人会员、常年商号会员和商业团体会员




谨订于2020年8月28日 (星期五) 上午11时正,以电子方式召开新加坡中华总商会第60届董事会第一次常年会员大会,敬请准时出席。


议 程


  1. 复准于2019年2月28日召开的第59届董事会第二次常年会员大会记录(2019年度常年报告书的第17至20页),请上网参阅电子版的2019年常年报告书。www.sccci.org.sg/our-publications/2019-6
  2. 核准截至2019年12月31日的财政报告与账目,请上网参阅电子版的2019年财政报告书。www.sccci.org.sg/annual-financial-statement-2019
  3. 委任查账公司
  4. 其他事项





  1. 会员只可通过现场视听网络形式参加视频常年会员大会;
  2. 会员参与视频常年会员大会须预先登记。登记截止日期为2020年8月14日晚上11时59分,请于截止日期前把填妥的登记表格呈交给总商会;
  3. 出席大会的会员须委任会议主席代表表决。请把填妥的委任表格于截止日期2020年8月14日晚上11时59分前呈交给总商会;
  4. 出席大会的会员如有意提问与常年会员大会议程相关的课题,须委任会议主席代表发言; 请把填妥的问题表格于截止日期2020年8月14日晚上11时59分前呈交给总商会。









如有任何询问,请联络曾丽颖或黄玮誉: membership@sccci.org.sg 或致电: 63378381。





吕正扬 秘书长 谨启


*注册代表 注册代表是由会员公司委任在新加坡中华总商会的代表人,可参加常年会员大会并会议上有发言权及表决权。根据本会记录,您(适用于个人会员)或贵公司(使用于商号会员)已授权您为注册代表。







SCCCI’s 60th Council First AGM

To: Life Individual, Life Corporate, Annual Individual, Annual Corporate and Trade Association members of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI)




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 60th Council's First Annual General Meeting of Members of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry will be held by way of electronic means on Friday, 28 August 2020 at 11 am. Please attend this meeting punctually.




  1. To approve the minutes of the 59th Council's Second Annual General Meeting held on 28 February 2019 (Page 17 to 20 of the Annual Report 2019). Please view e-Annual Report 2019 at www.sccci.org.sg/our-publications/2019-6
  2. To approve the Financial Reports and Audited Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2019. Please view the e-Financial Statements 2019 at www.sccci.org.sg/annual-financial-statement-2019
  3. To appoint Auditors
  4. Any other matters




In light of the COVID-19 situation and pursuant to the relevant order under the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 2020, the following arrangements will be adopted for the AGM.

  1. Members will only be able to attend the AGM virtually ie via “live audio-webcast”;
  2. Pre-registration is required to attend the virtual AGM proceedings. The deadline for submitting the Pre-registration Form by Members is 14 August 2020, 11.59 pm;
  3. A Member who is attending the AGM may only vote by appointing the Chairman of the meeting as the Member’s proxy to vote at the meeting by sending SCCCI an instrument of appointment (also known as “the Proxy Form”). The completed Proxy Form must reach SCCCI latest by 14 August 2020, 11.59 pm;
  4. A Member who is attending the AGM may raise questions pertaining to the items on the Agenda in the Notice of Annual General. The completed Questions Form is to reach SCCCI latest by 14 August 2020, 11.59 pm.


Documents and Information on the 60th Council’s First AGM are as follows:



Relevant Forms and steps for member’s actions are as follows:



Members who wish to attend the virtual AGM should submit both the Pre-registration Form and the Proxy Form by 14 August 2020.


Please email to Li Ying or Wei Yu at membership@sccci.org.sg or call 63378381 if you need further clarifications.


By order of the Council


Lu Cheng Yang


*Authorised Representative – a person who represents and votes on its company’s behalf in all matters relating to SCCCI’s AGM. Our records indicate that you (for Individual Member) or your company (for Corporate Member) had nominated you to be the Authorised Representatives.