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Gearing Up for the Next Normal – What’s Your Action Plan?

In the post-COVID world, some megatrends and behavioral shifts are expected to carry forward, transforming industries, companies, and customers permanently. Businesses who are able to evolve to changing market conditions and demands will hold the key to thriving in the next future. What is in the business blueprint of leaders to move their companies from survival to growth?


Building the Golden Triangle of Massive Business Success

As an SME preparing your business for the post-COVID-19 future, what if you discovered the ultimate success formula to take your business to the next level and ensure your long-term financial success? Discover the Golden Triangle of Massive Business Success, a formula that builds strong company culture, a strong brand, and creates ultra-loyal customers to help unleash your full business potential.


Getting Ready for Work in the Next Future

As we welcome the next Future of Work, will the jobs that we know now still exist a few years down the road? How can leaders help employees to prepare for the evolution of jobs, and what skills are needed in this digitalized world? With working from home becoming the new work arrangement, is burnout a valid concern since WFH is commonly perceived as decreased productivity by business owners?


Rising Above a Crisis – Resilience When the Going Gets Tough

The COVID-19 outbreak has seen many local businesses and entrepreneurs stepping up and responding to the crisis with tenacity. Learn how these business owners coped with the immediate challenges and surpassed themselves to innovate, move and pivot in the face of crisis. How has the playing field changed for them, and what strategies are they planning moving forward in preparation of future disruptions?


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Leadership Reinvented

Things are constantly changing during these disruptive times and leaders have to recognise that traditional leadership styles may no longer be relevant in the post-COVID world. As digital communication becomes more widely used, how should leaders communicate and motivate their employees on the virtual platform? What must they do to reinvent themselves and effectively lead their teams into the “Next Normal”?